Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Indian tribe`s inherent sovereign authority Essay

INTRODUCTION: U.S Chief Justice John Marshall, in his milestone trilogy of   his decisions on Indian law in 1] Cherokee Nation v.Georgia 2] Johnson v.Mclntosh and 3] Worcester v. Georgia framed the foundation for Indian law viz. Indian tribes are under the trust protection of the federal government which stands good even today. As such, many tribes are enjoying the quasi-sovereignty status and have organized their own governments together with functional legislative, executive and judicial branches. Indian tribal courts function more or less in their Anglo-American colleagues and offer an intra-tribal tool for dispute resolution. The Supreme Court held in â€Å"Oliphant v.Suquanmish Indian Tribe â€Å"that for want of congressional action, tribes lacks inherent jurisdiction to punish outsiders.   Congress yet to legislatively recognize the Oliphant by extending jurisdiction to tribal courts to try criminally any non-Indians for the felony committed in the Indian regions This research paper will divulge how this jurisdictional predicament causes a practicable problem in United States Judiciary and possible ways and means to address the issue. INDIAN SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE CRIMINAL JURISDICTION OVER NON-INDIANS- AN ANALYSIS: Crimes against native Indians are unleashed by non-Indians on daily basis. Crimes committed by non-Indians are cognizable offence that can be prosecuted only by federal district court by federal prosecutors. Unfortunately, many federal prosecutors have abandoned their duty to pursue crimes in Indian country committed by non-Indians due to overburden. The emergence of the Indian courts owed its origin to the tribal justice systems that predate the European settlement of America. On the basis of the age old convention, Congress has recognized the sovereign authority of tribes to maintain their own courts. But, Congress has limited that sovereignty as tribal courts have little jurisdiction over non-Indians .This is mainly intended to ensure that Indians are guaranteed the same constitutional rights as other Americans. As a result, tribal courts over the last two decades have lost their elite authority to try cases involving grave felonies and to enforce criminal penalties on non-Indians. In the year 1990, Supreme Court stripped Indian tribal courts of the power to hear cases involving Indians of a different tribe. But the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs later voted to reinstate that right to tribes for the next two years. [1992 to 1994]. In 1968, Congress established the Indian Civil Rights Act to offer on tribes requirements akin to those found in the Bill of Rights. There are about 147 tribal courts that exercise jurisdiction over nearly two million Indians in the United States in the year 1992. Tribal courts have exclusive jurisdiction over civil cases that arise between Indians on the reservations. But, if the plaintiff or defendant is other than Indian, state courts may have a simultaneous or even exclusive exercise rights to hear the case. In, â€Å"Oliphant v.Suquamish Indian Tribe† , 435 U.S, 55 L.Ed , 2d , 98 S.Ct, 48 U.S.L.W .4210 it was held that no inherent rights is ascribed to any Indian tribal courts to prosecute and punish non-Indians for offenses committed on Indian lands. It was the contention of the Indian tribes that jurisdiction is automatically conferred on them for trying any offenses of criminal nature on non-Indians in tribal lands as Supreme court made an opinion describing Indian tribes as â€Å" quasi –sovereign entities’. However, Supreme Court has observed in the present case that whenever efforts have been exercised in the past, it has been observed that there exists no jurisdiction. The tribal is having no authority to try non-Indians as it was established by earlier judicial opinions and also according to the general view of the executive authorities. But Judge Marshall, joined by the Chief justice dissented in the above case by taking the view that the power of preserve order on the reservation was a sine quo non of sovereignty that the Suquamish originally possessed. He further noted that in the absence of positive extraction of such rights by any treaty or statue ,the tribal enjoy as a necessary aspect of their sovereignty the right to try and punish all persons who commit offenses against tribal law within the reservation. In the past years, several Supreme Court rulings have drastically delineated the power of American Indians to govern their territories. The High Court ruled in 1978 that tribal courts cannot prosecute whites or other non-Indians for some felonies committed on tribal land. In one case, the justice held that a tribal court has no jurisdiction over crimes committed on that tribe’s land by members of another tribe. There are certain rulings that restricted Indian authority in taxation and zoning. Tribal leaders argue that U.S government apparent move away from recognizing ‘inherent sovereignty â€Å"of the Indian nations, which predate the arrival of whites to this continent makes them to worry. Though, the tribal leaders were not asking to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling in Oliphant v. Squamish Indian Tribe but they were demanding to overturn the High Court rulings in Duro V. Reina, which prohibited the Salt River Prima-Maricopa Indian Community in Arizona from prosecuting on a misdemeanor of weapons charge by an Indian man who lived in Salt River but was a member of a tribe in California. Thus, the rulings left a judicial void in states that do not assume jurisdiction over such misdemeanors and Congress temporarily restored jurisdiction to the tribes during 1990. 2.1 CRIMINAL JURISDICTION TO TRY NON –INDIANS TO COMBAT TERRORIST THREAT: In their effort to revive an amendment to the Homeland Security Act that would offer criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians to combat terrorist threats on Indian lands. But opponents were of the view that it will topple a 25-years –old Supreme Court decision â€Å" limiting and defining Indian sovereignty â€Å" and could lead to tribal power grabs which may affect of millions of non-Indians. Further, there is a proposal to reclassify the tribal governments as â€Å"states â€Å"under HSA law which facilitate tribes to receive sufficient federal funding and technical expertise to play a meaningful role in fighting terrorism. During 2003, the Senate Indian Affairs committee tried to add some amendments to homeland security bill but it was not successful as some group hit the panic button claiming that amendment would authorise control over all people for all purposes. The vested group fears that there would be other jurisdictional grabs by the tribal governments and tribes could exert authority over non-Indians by ignoring the fact that non-Indians cannot vote in tribal elections. The proposed amendment which has been officially designated as S.578 and the department itself has supported the first 12 sections of the amendment or those that would authorise the reclassification of tribal governments as states [not local government] in dealing with terrorism. But as per Heffelfinger, who is also chairman of the Attorney General Advisory Committee’s Native American issues subcommittee commented that the departments itself is not supporting section 13 , which would offer tribes the power to â€Å" enforce and adjudicate violations of civil , criminal and regulatory laws committed by any person on land under the jurisdiction of an Indian tribal government. But, as per 2000 census, non –Indians account for more than 48% of reservation residents who live on or near Indian reservations from discrimination â€Å"by state, federal or tribal government or their policies. Some critics view the proposed amendment to the Homeland Security Act violates the 1978 â€Å"Oliphant v.Suquamish Indian Tribe† rulings where Supreme Court observed that tribes do not have criminal jurisdiction to try and punish non-Indians. In real situation, the state or federal government is toothed with the power to arrest and try criminal offenders who are not Indians on Indian lands.   In other words, there is no need to arm the tribal government to initiate criminal proceedings on non-Indians on tribal lands as the state or federal government has adequate power to execute the same. [1] 2.2 OVERBURDENS OF FEDERAL COURTS: One the problem faced by tribal is that some of the felonies committed by non-Indians on tribal have been let off due to overburden of cases in federal courts and Supreme Court judgment which   had declared that non-Indians can not be prosecuted by the tribal courts. For instance, military courts do not have jurisdiction to prosecute the civilians who have infringed military’s interest. In such cases, â€Å"special assistant United States attorneys† [SAUSA’s] have the authority to prosecute such violators who have committed crimes against military personnel and property. The same strategy can be followed in the tribal cases also. Thus, the department should authorize Indian prosecutors to sue in the federal courts for the crimes committed by the non-Indians within Indian country.   2.3 USE OF MEHTAMPHETAMINE: Another issue encountered by the American tribes and tribal groups is their relentless fight against use of methamphetamine which they regard an epidemic on tribal lands. Lummi Nation of Washington, an American tribe is waging war with meth by imposing rigorous punishment to offenders. Some tribes are addressing the issue through new drug courts. Methamphetamine production and trafficking on tribal reservation with huge geographic areas or tribes adjacent to the U.S. –Mexico border is rampant. As the tribal states enjoy sovereign status, criminals are generally not subject to state jurisdiction in most of the cases. As the local law enforcement authorities have no jurisdiction in Indian country and tribal law enforcement agencies take the responsibility to enforce the relevant law enforcement functions. To combat the use of meth in tribal areas, Indian Tribes Methamphetamine Act of 2007 and Indian Tribes Methamphetamine Reduction Grants Act of 2007 were introduced in January 2007.   The legislation would permit Indian tribes to be eligible for funding through the department of Justice to exterminate the scourge of meth production, sale and usage in Native American communities. Enough safeguard measures are built in to avoid any potential misrepresentation of the above legislations. It has been clearly stated in section 2 [a] [4] of the bill , the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance is toothed with power to award grant funds to a state ,territory or Indian tribe to â€Å" explore ,detain and indict individuals â€Å"   involved in illegal meth activities. Further, it does not authorize a grantee state, Indian tribe or state to pursue law enforcement activities that it otherwise has short of jurisdictional authority to pursue. 2.4 PUBLIC LAW 280 Normally, states do not have jurisdiction over the internal legal of the sovereign tribal governments. Under certain circumstances, Congress has extended special exceptions this general principle. Under Public Law 280, six states were given exclusive jurisdiction over the Indian country within the state borders. Thus, states like New York, Kansas have the exclusive right over to prosecute the crime committed within the Indian country as the federal government has ceded its jurisdiction. Federal government ceded their prosecuting authority to states in these states. But it has created unfavorable situations as most states are reluctant and intransigence to cognize crime on Indian reservations seriously. Many state district attorneys are reluctant to exercise their limited resources on Indian crime. Thus, Public Law 280 has resulted in lawlessness in almost all Indian reservations. Ceding the federal authority over Indian territories to states has ended in a lacuna. It is painful to note that even if a state government has inherent authority in a particular Indian region, it sometimes lacks institutional strength to exercise authority in that region. Further, there exists always simmering tension between Indians and state governments. It is to be observed that since Worcester v.Georgia, states have no authority or very little authority over Indian country. The real reason for tension between tribal and state government is the criticism of action of state police department as they always rubbing on the wrong side of the tribal cultural practices. A study conducted by Carole Goldberg Ambrose[2] revealed that relationships between state and tribal are often got off to potholed and sometime unfeasible. Frequently, California tribal members complained that when state police tried to solve the tribal problems, they often failed as they were disrespectful to tribal sovereignty, lacked cultural compassion and always deployed excessive force. Further, if the alleged offence is a violation of generally applicable federal statutes like sedition and mail theft, the federal government is alone having exclusive jurisdiction to try the offence and natives are not exempted from such offence 2.5 OLIPHANT V. SUQUAMISH INDIAN TRIBE’- AN ANALYSIS: In, ‘Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe’ case, Supreme Court held   that as the tribal court lacks inherent jurisdiction to prosecute non-Indians for the felonies committed on Indian jurisdiction and recommended that it is the Congress to decide whether Indians tribes should finally be authorized to try non-Indians . Thus, Supreme Court decision may not be final and binding since Congress retains authority in exercise of its plenary power. Oliphant case centered around the incidents that happened on the Suquamish Reservation located near Port Madison, Washington. Indian tribes had waived all of their land claims in Washington state under the Treaty of Point Elliott which was signed in 1855 and accepted to settle on a 7300 –acre reservation located near Seattle. The tribes adopted a criminal code in 1973 and any infringement of tribal’s criminal code is prosecuted in the Suquamish Indian provisional Court. It is the claim of the tribes that they have jurisdiction to try non-Indians for any violation or infringement in their land. In support of their claim, they have displayed billboards in prominent places at the entrances to the Port Madison Reservation warning the public that entry onto the Reservation would be deemed implied consent to the criminal jurisdiction of the Suquamish tribal court and one may hilarious to note that Suquamish tribal specifically excluded non-Indians from serving on tribal court as juries. Supreme Court had placed the burden of proof on the tribe to substantiate its contention of jurisdiction. The tribe argued that its jurisdiction over non-Indians emerged involuntarily from the Tribe’s retained innate powers of government over the Port Madison Indian Reservation. Tribe has argued that flow of criminal jurisdiction is automatic over all persons on a reservation –Indian or non-Indian and is arising out of a ‘sine qua non ‘of tribal sovereignty. Supreme Court has rejected the argument of tribal claiming inherent jurisdiction on multiple grounds. Supreme Court concluded that Congress had positively expressed its intention not to grant Indian tribes the power to punish non-Indian after thoroughly examining the opinions of attorney generals, history of treaties, legislative history and district court decisions. Supreme Court once again asserted that Congress which is being law making authority is having sole discretion to decide whether the tribal can prosecute non-Indians for felonies in their land. In the Oliphant’s case, Justice Marshall joined by Chief Justice Burger took the opposite view as the Marshall believed that tribes processed the innate jurisdiction over non-Indians and that congressional action was necessary to strip off Indians of that jurisdiction. Oliphant decision was a major set back to Indian community claim of sovereignty in the following respect: It publicized that Indians were toothless to dissuade non-Indians from committing crimes against them. Tribes viewed that Supreme Court decision had indeed handcuffed their law enforcement activities. Tribes viewed the decision as a major blow on their powers to safeguard their own people. Decision culminated to an awkward situation to tribes by restricting their power to judge, prosecute or punish with tribal law and tribal courts, the non-Indians who commit felonies on tribal land. 2.6 DURO V.REINA- AN ANALYSIS: Duro v.Reina is a subsequent case after Oliphant. This case has further minimized the power of the tribal court to punish â€Å"outsiders â€Å", people who are not members of the tribe. Albert Duro was the member of one sect of Indian tribe namely Torres-Maritinez Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians. It was alleged that Duro killed a boy on the Salt River Indian reservation. Salt River Indian tribes attempted to prosecute Duro in their tribal court. The federal district court restrained the Salt River Prima –Maricopa Indian Tribe to prosecute Duro who belongs to Torres tribe. Thus, Supreme Court also concurred the federal district court view and held that Indian tribes did not have jurisdiction over Indians who were members of other Indian tribes. This made the Congress to exercise its plenary power and Supreme Court decision was amended or altered by the Congress through amendment U.S.C 1301 to authorize the tribal courts to exercise â€Å"criminal jurisdiction over all Indian and not just member of Indians. Critic’s view that Supreme Court had crushed the Indian rights is a bit of hypocritical as the Congress can always make use of its plenary power –a-type of legislative veto –to correct the intrinsic relationship as articulated by the Court. 2.7 ANALYSIS OF SURVEY OF U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: According to survey conducted by Justice Department of U.S., American Indians suffer from certain violent crimes like robbery, rape at a rate twice the national average. About 30,000 crimes of violence are committed against Indians each year. Native Indians complained that their attackers were under the influence of alcohol or meth at a greater than the national average. It is alarming to note that Indians were fatalities of interracial violence at a startling rate of 72% and 91% of sexual assaults against the tribal members. Further, offenders against Indian tribes were about 70% It is to be noted that a crime committed against an Indian by non-Indian which occurs outside of Indian country is subject to state jurisdiction and therefore is not reported in the above statistics. Thus, the above statistics reveal a disturbing picture of crimes against Indians and Indians face a disproportionately higher rate of violent crimes than any other races in U.S.A. For instance, Indian victims are reporting about 30,000 possible violent crimes to police each year and out of this, police could not solve more than 28,000 incidents or about 94% of the crimes reported remain uninvestigated or go unpunished. Further, Indians are also affected by the property crimes and victimless crimes committed by the non-Indians and these were not included in the above statistics since these were of civil nature.   The main reason for such alarming rates of criminal reports are being uninvestigated is mainly due to great distance between federal courts and tribes and overburdened law enforcing department. One of the allegations against Indian judiciary is that Indian courts do not bestow equal justice to non-Indians. For example, in Oliphant case, the Court took note of the fact that non-Indians were excluded from occupying juries’ role in Suquamish.   Thus, a doubt arises whether non-Indian constitutional right to be tried by an Indian jury could deliver unquestionable justice to the accused. The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ensures basic due process protections to Indians who are tried in tribal courts and to ensure non-Indians offenders rights, the same process of protection can be extended to non-Indians. As such, non-Indians allegation that tribal courts are iniquitous may not hold good. 2.8 POSSIBLE SUGGESTIONS FOR AVOIDING OLIPHANT TYPE OF INCIDENTS IN FUTURE: Federal court is already overburdened with cases like violations under a]Patriotic Act , b]Money Laundering Act 3] RICO 4] Narcotic Offenses 5] Interstate Crimes 6] National Security Offenses 7] Stock Exchange Commission 8] Other type of Crimes .Whereas , offenses committed by non-Indian in tribal areas are of nature of minor offences like 1] reckless or speed driving 2] drunk driving 3] petty assault 4] petty theft 5] Vandalism 6] Littering   7] Parking Violations . Naturally federal prosecutors do not give more importance to these offenses and hence lion’s share of these offenses went unpunished. To instill confidence on tribal community, Congress should seriously think of creating exclusive federal courts which may be designated as â€Å"special courts â€Å" for prosecuting offenses committed on tribal by non-Indians in tribal areas.   For instance , in the District of North Dakota , Chief Judge Rodney Webb to address the problem faced   by Indians against felonies committed by non-Indians held meetings with the officials for their prosecution As per ICRA [Indian Civil Rights Act], Indian tribes may not impose any penalty or punishment which is longer than for a term of one year and a fine of $ 5000 or both. This clearly demonstrate that tribal courts have limited authority to try minor offenses like less serious felonies or misdemeanors there by leaving serious crimes to the federal government . Further, there is a misconception among non-Indians that tribal courts are not like Anglo-American tribunals. It is pertinent to note the remarks made by Justice Rehnquist in Oliphant that â€Å"some Indian trial court systems have become progressively much classy and resemble in many ways their state counter parts†. Hence, non-Indians should be properly educated and Congress should see that they are convinced by drafting a new legislation extending tribal courts power to prosecute non-Indians within the parameters designed by the Congress in this regard. One another remedy is to depute special law enforcement officer to investigate or prosecute the crime. A â€Å"special assistant district attorney â€Å"may be appointed to represent the district attorney for a particular case or a special investigating officer may be deputed to execute restricted law enforcement functions. Thus, the power to deputize is also known as a statutory grant. A statutory grant is having inherent power to specially deputize any higher officials. The deputization will be more advantageous as it would satisfy the interest of the all concerned including tribal and non-Indian offenders though the offenders will be punished under federal or state laws not under the tribal laws. CONCLUSION: De-facto immunity is being used as scapegoat by non-Indian offenders against Indians. It is really a shame that American judicial system is dissuading Indians to punish the non-Indian offenders who have committed felony in their lands under tribal criminal laws. It is real predicament that majority of the crimes against Indians by non-Indians escape punishment. The Oliphant v Suquamish Indian Tribe case is a severe blow to the Indian legitimate rights which Congress should come forward to redress. Congress should exercise its plenary power as it had done in Supreme Court decision in Duro v.Reina which was later amended or altered by the Congress through amendment U.S.C 1301 to authorize the tribal courts to exercise â€Å"criminal jurisdiction over all Indian and not just member of Indians. Further , to instill confidence on tribal community, Congress should seriously think of creating exclusive federal courts which may be designated as â€Å"special courts â€Å" for prosecuting offenses committed on tribal by non-Indians in tribal areas. One another remedy is to depute special law enforcement officer to investigate or prosecute the crime. The deputization will be more advantageous as it would satisfy the interest of the all concerned including tribal and non-Indian offenders though the offenders will be punished under federal or state laws not under the tribal laws. Deputization will assimilate all law enforcement agencies together to work unitedly.   Deputization is the need of the hour as it will bring all the parties involved under a single umbrella within the current jurisdictional. Further, as in the case of military courts which do not have jurisdiction to prosecute the civilians who have infringed military’s interest and in such cases, â€Å"special assistant United States attorneys† [SAUSA’s] have the authority to prosecute such violators who have committed crimes against military personnel and property. The same strategy can be followed in the tribal cases also. Thus, the department should authorize Indian prosecutors to sue in the federal courts for the crimes committed by the non-Indians within Indian country. BIBILIOGRAPHY Chiu, Elaine M. â€Å"Culture as Justification, Not Excuse.† American Criminal Law Review 43, no. 4 (2006): 1317+. Christofferson, Carla. â€Å"Tribal Courts’ Failure to Protect Native American Women: A Reevaluation of the Indian Civil Rights Act.† Yale Law Journal 101, no. 1 (1991): 169-185. Dutton, Bertha P. American Indians of the Southwest. Revised ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983. French, Laurence Armand. Addictions and Native Americans. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2000. Griffiths, Curt Taylor. â€Å"Natives and Criminal Justice Policy: the Case of Native Policing.† Canadian Journal of Criminology 26, no. 2 (1984): 147-160. Henderson, Dwight F. Congress, Courts, and Criminals: The Development of Federal Criminal Law, 1801-1829. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. Johansen, Bruce Elliott, ed. The Encyclopedia of Native American Legal Tradition. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. La Prairie, Carol. â€Å"Aboriginal Over-Representation in the Criminal Justice System: A Tale of Nine Cities.† Canadian Journal of Criminology 44, no. 2 (2002): 181+. Lawson, Paul E. â€Å"When States’ Attorneys General Write Books on Native American Law: A Case Study of Spaeth’s American Indian Law Desk book.† American Indian Quarterly 19, no. 2 (1995): 229-236. Nielsen, Marianne O. and Robert A. Silverman, eds. Native Americans, Crime, and Justice. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996 Nourse, V.F. â€Å"Reconceptualizing Criminal Law Defenses.† University of Pennsylvania Law Review 151, no. 5 (2003): 1691+. Parman, Donald Lee. Indians and the American West in the Twentieth Century. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1994. Pevar, Stephen L. The Rights of Indians and Tribes: The Basic ACLU Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights. 2nd ed. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1992. Prucha, Francis Paul. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. Ramirez, Deborah A. â€Å"A Brief Historical Overview of the Use of the Mixed Jury.† American Criminal Law Review 31, no. 4 (1994): 1213-1224. [1] â€Å"Indian Wants Jurisdiction to Combat Terrorism Threat â€Å", Washington Times, Jan 26, 2004. [2] Carole Goldberg –Ambrose, â€Å"Public Law 280 and the problem of Lawlessness in California Indian Country, 44 UCLA L.Rev. 1405 [1997].

Analyse Different Ways in Which You Would Establish Ground Rules with Your Learners, Which Underpin Appropriate Behaviour and Respect for Others.

In my current role as a Trainer/Assessor, I work with Apprentices delivering theory and NVQ’s. To achieve respect and appropriate behaviour from learners, clear boundaries and rules are required within which we can work, and it is paramount that these are prepared early so everyone knows the limits. Ann Gravells (2008) defines: â€Å"All learners require boundaries and rules within which to work. Setting ground rules will help everyone know their limits†. As all students are different, consequently they will all have their own unique way of looking at life. Teachers need to manage their classes in order to accommodate everyone’s needs and expectations. The College will have policies regarding Health and Safety which will be non-negotiable. Some rules such as no smoking in the classroom will be accepted by everyone as this is backed up by legislation. Other rules such as no drinks in the classroom will not be so generally acceptable, especially to those who consider themselves as responsible adults who have rushed from work to get to college and need refreshments. There are numerous ways to determine ground rules with learners. When teaching I will prepare a timetable for the learners to receive beforehand with the place and time they will start and what they must bring with them. I arrive early so I can organise the room and set out resources. I will welcome learners and then go through some housekeeping (where the toilets and emergency exits are). I then establish ground rules that I feel appropriate, i. e. be punctual, mobile phones on silent and respect others. I next ask the learners what rules they want and this will give them ownership of these rules. I would also refer them to the College Learners Handbook, ‘The way we do things round here’ (see page 5) and the Teacher and Learner contract (copy attached). The resulting ground rules form the backbone of both respect and discipline and help the group and myself bond and start a healthy student/teacher relationship. If a ground rule is broken, it is the other students that will point it out and this enforces group discipline. Bibliography Gravells, A. (2008) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 3rd Edition, Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd. p7.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Boycotts, Sanctions and Embargoes

Boycotts, sanctions and embargoes have been used for a very long time by the government to maintain social order. Although their use is characterized by lack of democracy, autocratic leaderships as well as dictatorial leaderships, the three terms have come to be recognized as international tools of dealing with rogue nations especially when such are applied by the international community through world recognized bodies such as the UN.While boycotts refer to the act of desisting from using a certain product of engaging in relationship with a given organization or individual it may also be applied to individuals such as presidents and political leaders as a means of coercing such to comply with the given code of conduct . Boycotts, sanctions and embargoes as applied to South Africa during the apartheid era were used as tools of suppressing the apartheid rule to recognize the rights of the blacks in South Africa. Boycotts, sanctions and embargoes are only effective if there is internati onal solidarity on the dimension on which they can be applied.For such tools can never be effective if applied in small proportions. Beginning in the late 1960s throughout to the early 1990s the international community put pressure on the apartheid rule in South Africa to recognize the rights of the blacks in South Africa. The successive handover of independence to South Africans can be partly attributed to the effectiveness of the boycotts, sanctions and embargoes. The history of boycotts, sanctions and embargoes can be traced back to the 1700s with colonial boycotts of British trade goods during the colonization of America by the Britains .In the 1800 boycotts were evident and were successfully used as a tool to fight slave trade when different nations such as France, the Balkans and the Americas called for their population to boycott and resist from buying goods or products originating from slave fields . This led to the colonial masters to understand the dissent and dislike of s lave trade as a practice. This amongst other factors can be used to explain the eventual abolishment of slave trade in late 18th century.Boycotts were used by the anti-apartheid movement in two folds, either as a threat or an actual action aimed at eliciting the desired reaction from the apartheid rule to hasten the hand over of independence to South Africa . The pervasive nature of the boycotts made the boycotts to be viewed by the apartheid movement as one of the effective tools in that whenever boycotts were called either from the international community or by the south Africans themselves it would deal a big blow to the smooth functioning of the apartheid government.This was the desired effect on the government given the ability of boycotts to disrupt the normal functioning of government. For instance, the South African apartheid government depended on exports of products such as gold, diamond and uranium and therefore successful boycotts meant that the apartheid government woul d be denied the much-needed income to carry on its governance issues .Boycotts were so effective in South Africa such that they are classified as one of the greatest factors which led to the fall of the apartheid regime considering the fact that South Africa relied on export of its goods to earn foreign exchange. The anti-apartheid in South Africa played a critical role in ensuring that the boycotts received international recognition hence the reason why much of the campaigning was directed towards achieving official state sponsored international support.International anti-apartheid movement as it applied to South Africa was founded on tenets such as the belief in the right of every human being to fundamental right to freedom, self-rule, the right to every state to be independent, the right to recognition and upholding of every people’s culture and beliefs as well as the social and moral responsibility of the international community to fight apartheid irrespective of who prac tices it or who perpetrates it. The above tenets formed the basis for the international anti-apartheid movement and were consequential in the subsequent defeat of apartheid in South Africa.International solidarity is manifested in the ability of nations of the world to join together and advocate for a common goal . In regard to an apartheid movement in South Africa solidarity was demonstrated in sanctions and embargoes enforced by the international community to fight apartheid. In that sense the international community shows the intention to decapitate the legal framework with apartheid rule upholds as a means of sustaining the economic dominance over people.In the case of South Africa the Boers segregated Africa by making sure that the quality of education they received was insufficient to guarantee them good position in the labour market . This greatly relegated the natives to abject poverty in that they were economically not a match to the Boers. Apart from denial of access to ed ucation, the native South Africans were denied equal opportunities even in situations whereby they possessed equal qualifications to those of the whites. In addition, the apartheid rule dictated where the Africans could own property as well as what kind of trade they could conduct.This meant that economically, the Africans were at a disadvantage. At the policy level all policies were biased against the Africans and this meant that it was very hard for them to achieve the economic independence required to wage any meaningful ‘war’ against the mighty white rule. This shows how the Africans were incapable of successfully fighting apartheid on their own. Without international solidarity as demonstrated in the international apartheid movement the native South Africans would not have achieved independence.Where the Africans lacked the economic power to fight apartheid, the international community showed solidarity by enforcing sanctions, which would greatly reduce the whiteâ €™s economic prowess . Pressure from the international community led to the call of boycotts and expulsion of South Africa from participating in the international sporting events . This was too much for the apartheid rule to bear as embargoes such as expulsion from world sporting events and the calls for boycotts of the consumer goods meant that South Africa was slowly drifting away from the international community .Even before the official handover of independence to the South Africans the impact of the international community intervention was evident and by 1985 the apartheid rule started doing away with some apartheid practices such as forced ejections from homes, classification based on colour, as well as the denial of equal opportunities . As the internal resistance waged by the South Africans through their umbrella party ANC sufficed international relations worsened as the sanctions, embargoes and boycotts were unbearable to the apartheid rule.The support from the internat ional community accorded to the native South Africans acted as a morale booster and as a result the native South Africans took the fight against apartheid a note higher as all social groups took to the fight. As a result of international solidarity in calling of the eradication of apartheid in south Africa, the natives regained confidence and the fight against apartheid changed tactics from confrontational needs to more subtle means such as freedom songs, as well as the use of black owned media to produce films which called for the end to apartheid .In the contemporary society international solidarity contributes largely to political struggle. This takes other forms other than embargoes, boycotts and sanctions for instance, international recognition of democratically elected governments. For example, in the present day Somalia, it is the leadership, which gains international support, which enjoys credence and credibility. For instance, the Islam court government could not successful ly lead in Somalia because it lacked the support of the international community.International solidarity calling for the recognition of the democratically elected leadership lead to the ousting of the Islam courts’ led government barely six months after it had seized power from yet another leadership; the tribal led government. The case of Somalia clearly shows that international solidarity can play a role in winning struggles not only the struggle against apartheid but also other struggles against terrorism, colonialism as well as dictatorial regimes.However, there is a need for caution in how the international community plays its role when it comes to intervention in conflict situations. There is evidence that most international actions are informed by the leadership of specific groups as opposed to being informed by the need for impartiality, fairness and the observation of international law. The moment international community degenerates into a tool for certain groups in the struggle, the effectiveness of the international community to fight against oppression of a given people whether in apartheid, colonial or occupation.The international community should base their support on any given group on merit but not other factors such as on the basis of friendship with the leadership of a given struggle movement. The international community has in the past made grave mistakes by supporting struggle leaders who later turned out to be no better than the oppressive powers. This can be clearly demonstrated in the case of leaders who have taken over from dictatorial regimes with the full support of the community only to turn out to be worse than the ousted regimes.For the official leadership of any struggle to receive international support, it must clearly demonstrate its ability to end aggression once it takes power. Such official leadership must have put in place proper mechanism to deal with issues of poor governance, which often lead to difficulties in lea dership once such a struggle movement, takes power. It is therefore paramount that the international community serves the role of a mediator rather than actively being involved in the political activities in any given struggle.Sanctions, boycotts and arms embargoes have been criticized for going in contravention of freedom and autonomy of states especially in cases whereby the sanctions, boycotts and embargoes are imposed on independent sates for reasons ranging from; failure to honor some demands by donors which may not be in the best interest of such nations or in other cases where embargoes, sanctions and boycotts are solely motivated by the need to exert influence over a regime which has fallen out of touch with the wishes of western powers.For instance, the world is currently witnessing a situation whereby there is a tendency by the United States of America to endorse boycotts and sanctions to nations which fail to support it or collaborate with it on fronts such as the war aga inst terrorism. This leads to questions on how appropriate it is for the United States of America and other developed Nations to dictate to independent nations on how they can handle their internal affairs.For example, the sanctions imposed on Iran solely on grounds that, the country is developing weapons of mass destruction are a clear indication of how sanctions, boycotts and embargoes can be imposed at will by the powerful nations to the detriment of militarily and economically weaker nations. This has been a cause of tensions in the Middle East region and it threatens to get worse and spill into an international conflict. Embargoes lead to the suffering of citizens whose country is brought under sanctions.In addition, embargoes, sanctions and boycotts increase vulnerability for such a country to face external attacks if arms embargoes are imposed. The above clearly demonstrate that, in as much as sanctions, embargoes and boycotts are useful in containing the capacity of dictator ial regimes, apartheid regimes and rebel movements, if not well regulated, they can lead to atrocities against the people they are meant to protect or liberate. Where sanctions, embargoes and boycotts are imposed haphazardly, citizens suffer. In addition, the countries under arms embargoes become more vulnerable to attacks.In addition sanctions, arms embargoes, and boycotts can lead to heightened regional and international relations characterized by tensions. There is a need to de-emphasize the use of sanctions and embargoes and concentrate on other methods of intervention in times of crisis. While sanctions, embargoes and boycotts can create an opportunity for abuse of human rights, abuse of independence of states and unnecessary interference in the running of internal affairs of independent countries, other alternatives such as negotiations can work marvelously and cause less undesired effects.In addition, an alternative such as diplomacy is les expensive to implement in the long run. Diplomacy is usually given a wide support by nations of the world compared to sanctions, boycotts and embargoes. For instance, although there are sanctions in place against the current regime in Zimbabwe specifically targeting the leadership of President Robert Mugambe, not every nation in the world supports the measure as some countries like China have gone ahead with healthy trade ties with Robert Mugambe.This clearly indicates that, sanctions are not always ideal and must only be applied selectively as opposed to being applied blatantly. In conclusion, it is clear from the discussion above that international intervention in form of enforcing boycotts, sanctions and embargoes against the apartheid rule in South Africa was effective in the fight and eventual defeat of apartheid. The international campaign, which saw South Africa being banned from participating in international sporting events as well as the calls for boycotts of South African products, was greatly successful a s a tool to fighting apartheid.At the center of the struggle against apartheid was the apartheid movement, which coordinated the anti-apartheid struggle and advocated for the imposition of embargo, sanctions and boycotts. The case of apartheid struggle is a clear demonstration of the power of international solidarity in relation to the politics of a particular struggle and how international solidarity can greatly influence the outcome of the given struggle. Reference Lodge, T. 1983. Black Politics in South Africa since 1945.Johannesburg; Ravan Press. Mandela, N. 1994. Long Walk to Freedom. Abacus. Meli, F. 1988. South Africa Belongs to Us: A History of the ANC. London. James Currey. Robert, Innes 2006. A Theory of Consumer Boycotts and a Symmetric Information and Imperfect Competition. Economic Journal. Robert, Innes 2006. A Theory of Consumer Boycotts and a Symmetric Information and Imperfect Competition. Economic Journal. Seagal, R. ed. 1964. Sanctions Against South Africa. Pengui n.

Monday, July 29, 2019

HIST Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HIST - Essay Example But, on the other hand, there are certain reservations associated with this idea of preserving the past. The concept of imagined west explains this second thought. According to Dr. Morley the way these places have been preserved embody some politics and Imaginations attached to it. First, these places have not been saved the way they originally were and there is a lot of imagination used to make these places alluring to the tourists as well as locales. She elaborates this idea further more that although these places are a replica of past, but there is a lot of imagination working behind flourishing it. Only those things have been saved and protected that would appeal people. Moreover, using imagination, many new things have been added for the dà ©cor of these places no matter they were part of the past or not. Here Judy Morley takes a firm stand that although such things are against ethics and do not fall in any terms of the morality still since it benefits many people, it is harmle ss in their eyes. There are many other ironical facts associated with this idea of preservation. Like in the protection and preservation of the Old Town Albuquerque, many Hispanics were dislocated although the place represents the past glory and grandeur of the Hispanics. Secondly, in the Larimer Square the actual past trait of the skid row has been put under the carpet only to attract more number of tourists and make it a more worth seeing place. Judy Morley basis her wide research on interviews from the local property owners, dealers and business men. She also studies deep the fields of urban development and tourism etc. Thus she reaches on the conclusion that such preservations have very deep impacts on the urban life and neighborhood along with the tourism sector. Talking about the Larimer Street in Denver, Morley eloquently describes how time has changed around this place without harming its very soul. This Street is known for its shopping and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What efforts have governments in Korea made to reform the chaebol Essay

What efforts have governments in Korea made to reform the chaebol since the mid 1990s - Essay Example Over the past two decades its annual growth rate in terms of gross national product (GNP) has been 9% and exports have increased 30%--the highest increase and growth rate in the world for that time span. By achieving $70 billion annually in exports, with a surplus in ordinary balance of more than $9 billion a year, Korea is now among the worlds top ten exporters. Today, Koreas per-capita income has reached $5,000--up from a meager $82 in 1961 (Chan Sup Chang, 1988). It is clear that strong leadership, sound economic planning by the government and the prodigious productivity of Koreas workers are important elements in this remarkable economic boom. As one Japanese executive said, "The Koreans are the only people who still work hard." Skilled and diligent workers have been an especially important driving force behind economic success (Ihlwan, 1998). According to the International Labour Organization, the Korean work week averages 54.4 hours--the highest in the world. However, the real catalysts in Koreas economic success have been the efforts of the private business sector, especially those of the chaebols (Korean conglomerates or financial cliques). The Bank of Korea reports that the total earnings of Koreas top 30 chaebols will reach $200 billion--about 95% of the nations GNP--in the 1990s. Clearly, the state of the Korean economy reflects the success of the chaebols; as a result, these groups have piqued international interest. In this article we shall examine the corporate values and strategies unique to chaebols. Korean chaebols--e.g., Hyundai, Samsung, and Lucky-Goldstar--emerged as major corporations during the late 1950s. The formation and growth of such conglomerates accelerated between the early 1960s (e.g., Hanjin, Korea Explosive, Hyosung, Ssangyong, and Dong-A) and the early 1970s (e.g., Daewoo, Sunkyong, Lotte, Kolon, and Doosan). Korean chaebols are often compared to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Energy Use & Developing an Energy Plan Research Paper

Energy Use & Developing an Energy Plan - Research Paper Example The Energy Policy Act of 2005 has helped a lot in encouraging use of sources that have more positive outcomes than others by loan guarantees and incentives given. Introduction Energy in a system may take on various forms such as; kinetic, heat, potential and light. The law of conservation of energy says that energy may neither be destroyed nor created. Hence, the sum of all the energies in the system is a fixed. A pendulum is commonly used in illustrating law of conservation of energy (Messenger et al, 2007). The different energy sources have advantages and disadvantages. It’s clear that no source of energy is completely positive or negative. Therefore, it is important for consumer and all stakeholders in general should weigh the pros and cons of the different source so as to come up with the most beneficial source that is less harmful to the environment. 1. The law of conservation of energy, which is a law of physics, was first developed in the 19th century. It states that en ergy amount in total, is an isolated system stays fixed over time. In this law, it is said that total energy is conserved over time. Furthermore, it means in an isolated system that energy is localized and can vary its location on the inside of the system. Moreover, it implies that energy form can change within the system. This is to say, chemical energy can convert to kinetic energy, although it can be neither destroyed nor created. Furthermore, two initially isolated systems can be in a logic manner composed into a single isolated system if they have no mutual or external interaction. In this case, the total amount of energy of the composite system is same to the respective sum of the total energy amount of the composite system. Consequently, system energy is said to b additive (Messenger et al, 2007). Similar the internal energy is called extensive quantity for a homogenous system in its own thermodynamic equilibrium. The definition of energy was broaden in the 20th century. Mate rial particles which possess rest mass, were generally approved as containing equivalent energy amounts. Moreover, they are not conserved and perish into kinds of energy that lack rest energy such as potential and kinetic energy. A good illustration is that a positron and electron can perish together into photons of electromagnetic radiation. In addition, non-material kinds of energy can die into ponderable matter. This type of transformation process within an isolated system, neither total mass nor the total energy vary over time, even if the matter content may change. Moreover, energy conservation and mass conservation, all this still applies as a law in its own right. 2. Natural gas, coal and fossil fuel are the world commonly used energy sources. About 65 billon barres of petroleum is consumed in the world each day. It is projected that the consumption will increase to 99 billion barrels per day by 2015. There is about 5,149.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserve is not us ed up. This is more than oil but less than coal. Furthermore, 23.3% of natural gas is used in the United State. Moreover, natural gas has several advantages; its less polluting since it burns clean as compared to oil and coal, it also produces 70% less carbon dioxide compared to fossil fuels, it is not a pollutant thus it helps in quality improvement of water and air, another advantage is that natural gas has

Friday, July 26, 2019

Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Response - Article Example The article seeks to clarify whether the effect of gender congruence between a competitor and the referent can occur independently from ambiguity avoidance. To clarify this, the authors conducted two experiments using Finnish, a non-gendered language. Like English, the Finnish language speakers produce fewer pronouns when the competitor and the referent have the same gender. Furthermore, this effect does not result from ambiguity avoidance. Competitors’ gender congruence and reduction of pronouns is higher in English language than in Finnish. In English, avoiding gender ambiguous pronouns is easy because semantic competition is normally affected by gender congruence. Discussion and comments of the article On reading this article, my knowledge was widened on what drives the effect of gender congruence in the English language. I knew that gender congruence effect in English language was driven by ambiguity avoidance. Initially, I assumed that the way speakers make reference to e xpressions was based on congruence effect alone. To enhance my understanding, I examined Van Compbel, Fukumura, Harley and Pickering (2011) study, which investigated how similarity in different entities affect a speaker’s choice and reference to some expression. ... Conversely, more pronouns are produced when the competitor and the referent are in different situations. The congruent effect appeared to be high in a situation in which the action described was relevant to the situational congruence. This implies that the effects that come as a result of congruence will depend on other representations of concepts known by the speaker. In the second experiment, this study revealed that whether a pronoun is ambiguous or not, the effect of competitor’s similarity is always present. At the end, the researchers concluded that the similarity effects are independent of ambiguity avoidance. The effect emanates from a speaker’s internal production challenges. Still, Van Compbel et al. (2011) results are similar toward the explanation of how ambiguity avoidance relate with the similarity or congruent effect. However, the studies use different approaches in investigating the effect of congruence on ambiguity avoidance. Both articles revealed that congruence effect is independent of ambiguity avoidance. In the main article by Fukuruma, Hyona and merete (2013), it is revealed that because congruence impact semantic competition, a speaker is aware of the pronoun ambiguity. This makes congruence effect independent. Conversely, Van Compbel et al. (2011) study confirms that it is the internally speaker production constraints that make congruence effect independent of ambiguity avoidance. Further, the similarity between these two articles drew my attention to another study by Arnold and Griffin (2007). The article investigated how one chooses between proper names and pronouns in a speech. The study was based on the traditional assumption that speakers strive to interpret

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Leadership Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership - Case Study Example This theory encourages leaders to make sure that there are no roadblocks that might hinder their subordinates from realizing both their goals and those of the organization. It also dictates that leaders should incorporate rewards as their employees continue to reach the organizations goal. Finally, leaders should clarify what path subordinates are expected to pursue in order for them to know what is required of them. Approach of this theory hugely depends on the situation the leadership faces. For example, giving rewards greatly depends on whether the organization is in a financial situation to give such gifts and prizes. As a result, this theory categorizes leadership into four styles which are, Achievement oriented, Directive, supportive and participative leadership. Supportive leadership involves the leader concentrating on his followers’ or subordinate’s needs by being concerned on their welfare. This creates a working environment which is friendly by making their s ubordinates to feel that their work is interesting. This should be often applied in situations where work is extremely dangerous, boring or stressful. Directive leadership entails leaders instructing their subordinates on what is expected of them giving them guidance often. The leader should schedule work for their subordinates allocating time for each activity. ... As a principle the path goal theory can be very instrumental in ensuring the academic success of the students. I will hold weekly staff meetings to encourage teachers to formulate goals on which they will ensure that by the time the weekends, a specific section of the curriculum will have been met. I will also encourage teachers to ensure that they should consider teaching a service the community and not just a means of earning a live. By teaching their students well they will ensure that the students have a great future as a result of the education they get from their teachers. I expect this application of the theory to work because it stipulates other employee motivation concepts that do not involve the use of money. This will help a lot because the school is in no financial position to motivate teachers using methods that require extra money. Question two In order to ensure that the school is succeeding academically as a principle, I must ensure that the teachers are motivated in other ways since the school cannot afford to motivate teachers using the normal motivation techniques such bonuses, gifts and prizes. To do so I should incorporate the goal setting theory of motivation. This is a theory stipulates that setting of goals is majorly associated with task performance. In the theory, goals which are challenging and specific greatly result in task performance that is higher and better. When combined with feedback from subordinates, it ensures that organizations meet their goals. The theory simply implies that goals usually direct and indicate to an employee the direction which an organization wants to allow in order to ensure that the

Livestock Husbandry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Livestock Husbandry - Essay Example Scientific processes have been developed to boost the results needed to gain maximum profit, that have incorporated, natural elements to double what is needed for the owner to articulate their efforts. Artificial insemination and the transfer of the embryo are the common measures, which have been applied to alter the desired expectation when the need is to accelerate the breed under consideration. The alteration in the genetic composition, in animal husbandry, has generated resistant breeds that are capable of adjusting to the harsh environment, while keeping at a constant the production yield acquired. The success cases are witnessed in the genetic alteration applied in cattle breeds and poultry. New breeds have been successfully developed to suit the subjections presented to attempt to establish an appropriate type. Aberdeen Angus is a breed of cattle that has been reared for the purpose of withstanding harsh conditions to produce meat (Pulling 2008, p3). This paper seeks to highli ght the husbandry system in the cattle breed with measures applied to sustain the breed in yielding better results. Development of the breed The breed was developed around the 19th century from the polled, and the black cattle doddies and hummlies. The term polled applied when referring to the breed has been used to present its appearance that they lack horns (Trow-Smith 2006, p32). The breed comes in black or red type with a distinctive white udder appearing, on fewer cases, across some breeds. The mostly known breed among the cow breed is the Black Angus with the red type rarely in variable countries (Pulling 2008, p12). Aberdeen Angus presents numerous benefits to find it suitable when conducting the husbandry process promising to be outstanding to the other cattle breeds. The breed has been applied in crossbreeding to produce breeds that give an accelerated carcass quality with an added milk production level. The distinctive feature in Aberdeen Angus is its resistance level that is proven to bear harsh weather conditions and develop a high maturity rate. The breed presents less difficulty in the husbandry process with its demand falling short of other breeds. The ravelled provisions in owning the Aberdeen Angus breed lie in maximum output from a minimal input. Characteristics The breed presents advantages in its rearing process and the measures applied in its feeding program. Firstly, the breed possesses a calving ease with the calf capable of fending from the mother within minutes of birth. The mother’s present exemplary milking ability with the instinct to provide for the calf, hence the farmer generates a high level milk production. The breed matures early and has a heightened fertility rate. It has been recorded to present a high Stayability measure, and this is advantageous in husbandry when the numbers increase to improve production. The breed is also polled hence reducing on the need to dehorn the species reducing the dangers associated with the entity. The breed is resistant to complications brought by sunburn and eye cancer. The breed has been known to produce a high quality rated meat that has developed an interest in the breed’s husbandry program. Their resistance favours a supplementary feeding program that allows them to graze and acquire external shelter. Feeding Programme The requirements needed in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Making a truss adaptive to specific loading condition to save Essay

Making a truss adaptive to specific loading condition to save materials - Essay Example As the active and passive control methods improved the structures under dynamic loads, its requirement for the performance based design was of concern. The use of these systems helps in achieving these objectives optimally in civil engineering. In a passive structural control, the structures have been built from a thermal stable composite material. This system can be isolation systems, shear walls, viscosities dampers and tuned mass dampers. The tuned mass dampers could be used in chimneys, towers and bridges (Sinan Korkmaz, 2011); for example in the Citicorp central New York to control the first mode of vibration (Peterson, N.R., 1979). In the active control, a set of sensors and actuators connected by feedback is used (Berlin Heidelberg, 2011). The stiffness and the physical properties of the active systems can be changed due to the external stimuli so that structural response like the internal flow of forces can be manipulated as the deflections or the vibration are controlled and optimized. The active systems are striking choices to be able to retrofit or increase the strength of the current structure against strong winds, earthquake, water waves or any external force that affect the safety of the structure. The adaptive systems are related to development and manufacturing. There are different material systems designed as smart materials and currently available in a wide range such including ceramics, polymers and alloys (W Sobek and P Tueffel, 2013). As shown in the figure †¦ the sensors get the information and the control intelligence process the information getting from sensors and will feed into actuators. Every material, in principle, has been found to be responsive in a one-to-one relation. For instance, voltage is produced from an input pressure, or it can be produced from a triangulated piece of veneer that displaces the free tip depends on the level of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organizational Analysis Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Analysis Motivation - Essay Example The jobs at FMC Green River are task oriented and are, to a large extent, defined by the union. Unlike FMC Aberdeen, the employees at Green River do not have well defined goals. Further, production at Green River is not directly linked to their pay or other organizational rewards. There is little chance of advancement and the union structure discourages any opportunity for promotion. The jobs at FMC Green River are very well defined by the union contract and workers are faced with fulfilling the needs, but have no control over the means of production. FMC Aberdeen is in a constant state of flux as employees are trained in a variety of tasks and are free to move from one job to another. The workers at FMC Green River have very little vertical job loading and their job description limits their horizontal loading. The FMC Aberdeen plant allows its workers to work outside their team and also function as team leaders. This type of organization offers many opportunities for career growth. The FMC Green River plant is structured by definition of tasks and employees have almost no chance of going beyond their current job or position. While the union may offer occasional retraining, it does not enhance the esteem of the employee. Performance reviews at Green River are not adequate to provide any performance or satisfaction impact on the employees. FMC Green River will encounter problems by trying to institute a rewards system based on performance. The workforce may see this as creating inequity and correcting this could have a negative effect on production. The workforce is currently the highest paid unit at FMC and they may respond better to other needs. According to the ERG theory of needs, relatedness and growth may be more likely to motivate the workforce. The jobs at FMC Green River have been structured according to scientific management. They are routine and specialized. This has been done to optimize production and meet the requirements of the union contract. There is little opportunity under Green River's current system for job enlargement or job enrichment. Performance appraisals currently offer little more than a determination to see if the contract is being fulfilled. The culture is not conducive to self-appraisal or peer appraisal. Aside from the union contract, there is a psychological contract with the organization that provides some level of motivation for the employees. Recommendations FMC Green River would benefit from offering a plant wide profit sharing program. This would offer the employees a motivation based on rewards without the perceived inequity of individual pay increases. They should also focus on the employee needs in the areas of relatedness and growth. FMC Green River should foster a more social atmosphere and provide a method of recognition for individual achievement. FMC Green River could broaden the job descriptions to give the employees greater participation in the overall process. Job enlargement could offer an avenue for growth within the existing organizational framework. This would be an intrinsic motivational factor that could lead to a lower turnover rate as experienced at Aberdeen. A job diagnostic survey would be a critical first step in this direction. Green River should begin to develop a performance appraisal system. This should be used as a motivational and self-improvement tool rather than a pay based system. With proper training, peer reviews and self-evaluation would

Monday, July 22, 2019

History evacuation course work Essay Example for Free

History evacuation course work Essay The two sources are different, source B is a picture taken during the war in1939 the year in which the war had started in September. It seems to have been used as a government propaganda source. The photo is to encourage people to evacuate their children, also to get people to look at the people in the picture see the faces in the picture and look at their spirit and get them to follow the example. I have made this conclusion because the picture looks as if it has been taken from high up and at an angle looking down, also all the people are waving and they all look happy and the formation theyre walking in is pretty organized. The government wanted this because they wanted people two evacuate. Source C is a teacher being interviewed in 1988 remembering what happened the teacher tells us about the start of the journey at the train station about the mothers trying to shout to there children good bye because they wont see them for a long time. The teacher might not remember every thing because its 50 years after the event so his memory would be patchy or might only focus on just the bad points in instead of the good. This source was probably made for teaching aides or an archive because sources e and f are also dated 1988. I think that source C is the most valuable source as evidence as what happened because source b was probably set up by the government to get people to agree with them that children should be evacuated this was important to the government because they dont want children among the casualty list also they want to keep that generation because in ww1 they lost a generation of men. Source C is someone who was their giving their opinion on the matter this is valuable because someone is recalling the truth as they saw it happening before them. The extract comes from a book called Carries war it was written in 1973 by Nina Bowden. The book is a childrens novel it has been written to entertain children. This would affect the book by changing facts and figures because she needs to make it more interesting. The context of this story is the evacuees Carrie and nick being taken back to there evacuation home by there carer Miss Evans before this scene they would have had been at the train station being issued to there cares. Miss Evans thinks that the evacuees Nick and Carrie are poor Carrie and Nick think that its funny and arent really bothered. The characters think this because the children saw evacuation as a big adventure but the adults saw the children as smelly little things. The conditions some of the children come from were terrible the houses were terraced close together and very poor quality. I think this source is not very reliable at all it is a story it is a story it is made to entertain little children problems would be that the facts may be different and could that the author doesnt have a clue.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chemical Equilibrium And Ph Biology Essay

Chemical Equilibrium And Ph Biology Essay In a chemical process, chemical is a state in which cocentration of reactants and the concentration of products does not change overtime i.e when the forward reaction proceeds at the same rate as backward reaction and it exists in dynamic equilibrium. The laws of chemical equilibrium define the direction in which a chemical reaction will proceed, as well as the quantities of reactants and products that will remain after the reaction comes to an end. An understanding of chemical equilibrium and how it can manipulated is essential for anyone involved in Chemistry and its applications. The fundamental equation provides the basis for understanding chemical equilibrium. pH is Quantitative measure of stength of acidity and alkalinity of solution. When the concentration of H+ and OH- ions in aqueous solution are frequently very small numbers and there fore inconvenient to work with, Soren Sorensen in 1909 proposed a more practical measure called pH. It is defined as the negative of the hydrogen ion concentration. pH= -log[H+]. Acidic and basic are two extremes that describe a chemical property chemicals. Mixing acids and bases can cancel out or neutralize their extreme effects. A substance that is neither acidic nor basic is neutral. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic. A pH greater than 7 is basic. HISTORY:- The concept of chemical equilibrium develop after Berthoket (1803) found that some chemical are reversible. For any reaction to be equilibrium, rate of forward reaction is equal rate of backward reaction, so at equilibrium nearly all the reactant are used up for to left it hardly any product formed from reactant. In 1864 Guldberg and waage showed experimentally that in chemical reactions an equillibrium is reached that can be approached from either direction. They were apparently the first to realize that there is a mathematical relation between the concentration of reactants and products at equillibrium. In 1877 van`t hoff suggested that in the equillibrium expressions the concentrationof each reactant should appear to the first power, corresponding with the stochiometric numbers in the balanced chemical equation. The concept of p[H] was first introduced by Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen at the carlsberg laboratory in 1909 and revised to the modern pH in 1924 after it became apparent that electromotive force in cells depended on activity rather than concentration of hydrogen ions. TYPES OF EQUILLIBRIUM:- Physical equillibrium:- Equillibrium between two phases of the same substance is called Physical equillibrium because the changes that occur are physical processes. e.g; The vaporization of water in a closed container at a given temperature is an example of physical equilibrium. In this instance the number of H2O molecules leaving and the number of returning to the liquid phase are equal. H2O(l) = H2O(g) The study of physical equilibrium Yields useful information such as the equilibrium vapour pressure. If a reaction is:- aA + bB = cC + dD where a, b, c and d are the stoichiometric coefficients for the reacting species A, B, C , and D. For the reaction at a particular temperature K = (C)C (D)d (A)a (B)b where K is the equilibrium constant. This equation was formulated by cato Guldberg and Petr Wage in 1864. It is the mathematical expressions of their law of mass of action, which holds that for a reversible reaction at equilibrium and a constant temperature, a certain ratio of reactant and product concentration has a constant value K. and the equilibrium constant does depend on the volume, concentration, catalyst, pressure e.t.c. It only depends upon temperature. The equilibrium constant ,then, is defined by a quotient, the numerator of which is obtained by multiplying together the equilibrium concentration of the products, each raised to a power equal to its stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced equation denoted by Q. If Q If Q > K then reaction takes backward reaction. If Q = K then reaction is at equilibrium state. The magnitude of equilibrium constant tells whether the reaction favors the products or reactant. If K >> 1 , the equilibrium will lie to the right and favours the products. If K Homogeneous equillibrium:- The term homogeneous equilibrium applies to reactions in which all reacting species are in the same phase. E.g; An example of homogenous gas phase equilibrium is the dissociation of N2O4. N2O4 (g) = N2O4 (g) aA(g) = bB(g) then, Kc = (B)b/(A)a the concentrations of reactants and the products in gaseous reaction can also be expressed in terms of their partial pressures. At constant temperature the pressure P of gas is directly related to the concentrations in mol/ L of the gas. i.e; P =(n/V)RT. And the expressions can be given by Kp = PbB/PaA where Pa and P b are the partial pressure of A and B. After substiuting these relations in to the expressions, we get [Kp=Kc(RT)b-a] If b-a is equal to zero, then reaction is at equilibrium. If b-a > 0 , then backward reaction is favourable. If b-a Heterogeneous equilibrium:- A heterogeneous equilibrium results from a reversible reaction and products that are in different phases. e.g; when calcium carbonate is heated in a closed vessel, the following equilibrium is attained. CaCO3(S = CaO(S) + CO2 If a reaction aA(S) + bB(s) = cC(s) + dD(g), the concentration of a solid , like it`s density , is an intensive property and does not depend on how much of the substance is present. In thermodynamics , the activity of pure solid us 1. Thus yhe concentration terms for A,B and C are unity. So, Kc = [D]d Similarly , the activity of a pure liquid is also 1. Thus if a reactant or a product is a liquid, we can`t omit in the equilibrium constant expressions. Also we can express the equilibrium constant as Kp = P(D)d . Factor Affecting Equilibrium:- Chemical equilibrium represents a balance between forward and reverse reactions. In most cases, this balance is quit delicate. Change in experimental condition may disturb the balance and shift the equilibrium position so that variable can be controlled experimentally are concentration, pressure, volume and temperature. Effect of change of temperature:- A change in concentration, pressure, or volume may alter the equilibrium position , that is, the relative amounts of reactants and products but it dose not change the value of equilibrium constant .Only a change in temperature can alter the equilibrium constant. At equilibrium at a certain temperature, the heat effect is zero because there is no net reaction .If we treat heat as though it were a chemical reagent, than a rise in temperature adds heat to the system and a drop in a temperature removes heat from the system .As with a change in any other parameter ,(concentration, pressure, or volume), the system shift to reduce the effect of the change. Therefore, a temperature increase favours the endothermic direction (from left to right of the equilibrium equation ) and a temperature decrease favours the exothermic direction. In summary, a temperature increase favours an exothermic direction and a temperature decrease favours the exothermic reaction. The effect of changing temperature on an equilibrium constant is given by the van t Hoff equation d ln K/ d T = H/RT2 Thus, for exothermic reactions, (ΆH is negative) K decreases with an increase in temperature, but, for endothermic reactions, (ΆH is positive) K increases with an increase temperature. An alternative formulation is d ln K/ d(1/T) = H/R At first sight this appears to offer a means of obtaining the standard molar enthalpy of the reaction by studying the variation of K with temperature. Effect of change of pressure and volume:- Change in pressure ordinarily do not effect the concentration of the reacting species in condensed phases(say, in an aqueous solution) because liquids and solids are virtually in compressible. On the other hand, concentration of gases are greatly affected by change in pressure. The greater the pressure, the smaller the volume, and vice versa. Note, too, that the term (n/V) is the concentration of the gas in mol/L, and it varies directly with pressure. In general an increase in pressure (decrease in volume) favours the net reaction that decreases the total numbers of moles of gases (the reverse reaction, in this case), and a decrease in pressure (increase in volume) favours the net reaction that increases the total numbers of moles of gases(here the forward reaction).For reaction in which there is no change in the numbers of moles of gases, a pressure (or volume)change has no effect on the position of equilibrium. Effect of catalyst at equilibrium :- Catalyst does not affect the the equilibrium constant. And it can not shift the equilibrium positon. Catalyst only enhance the rate of reaction to reach the equilibrium position. Effect of concentration of reactant:- Effect of concentration change the position of equilibrium. If we increase the concentration of the products shifts the equilibrium to left, and decreasing the concentration of the product shifts the equilibrium to right. These results are just predicted by Le Chatelier principle. Le chatelier principle:- If an external stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system adjusts in such a way that the stress is partially off set as the system reaches a new equilibrium position. pH -A MEASURE OF ACIDITY. Because the concentrations of H+ and OH- in aqueous solution are frequently very small numbers and therefore inconvenient to work with, Soren Sorensen in 1909 proposed a more practical measure called pH. The pH of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration in (mol/L): pH = -log [H3O+] or pH = -log [H+] The negative logarithm gives us a positive number for Ph, which otherwise would be negative due to small value of [H+]. Furthermore the term [H+] permits only to the numerical part of the expression for hydrogen ion concentration, for we cant take the logarithm of units. Thus, like the equilibrium constant, the pH of a solution is a dimensionless quantity. Acidic solutions: pH is less than 7.00. Basic solutions: pH is more than 7.00. Neutral solutions: pH is equal to 7.00. Notice that pH increases as [H+] decreases. For real solutions, activity usually differs from concentrations, sometimes appreciably. Knowing the solute concentration, there are reliable ways based on thermodynamics for estimating its activity, but the details are beyond the scope of text. Keep in mind, therefore, that the measured pH of a solution is usually mot same as that , because the concentration of the H+ ion in molarity is not numerically equal to its activity value. Although we will continue to use concentration in our discussion, it is important to know that this approach will give us only an approximation Of the chemical process that actually take place in solution phase. In the laboratory, pH of a solution is measured with a pH meter. List of some pH of a number of common fluid, the pH of a body fluid varies greatly, depending on location and function. The low pH (high acidity) of gastric juices facilitates digestion whereas a higher pH of blood is necessary for transport of oxygen. APPLICATION OF pH:- A pH indicator is substances that change colour around a particular pH. It is weak acid or weak base and the colour changes occur around 1pH unit either side of its acid dissociatian constant. For.ex. Naturaly occuring indicator litmus is red in acid solution and blue in alkaline solution. REFRENCES:- P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, third edition, Oxford University Press, 1985. F.van Zeggeren and S.N Steery,the computation of chemical equilibrium,1920. W.R.Smith and R.W.Mission,chemical equilibrium Analysis. RAYMOND CHANG, Williams college.

Level Of Immigration In London Sociology Essay

Level Of Immigration In London Sociology Essay Immigration is a topic that not every individual would like to discuss, but its an issue that we hear and see every day. There is a high increase in immigrants entering the United Kingdom from European Union countries. Immigration is a subject thats difficult to collect detailed data from as there is a lack of official statistics or evidence. As already mentioned, there are many immigrants from European countries but there are also immigrants entering London from many other countries (non-european). This depends on various reasons, as some may enter a specific country in order to escape from danger in their existing place or to claim asylum. So how do we know if immigration good or bad for the UK? I have conducted an ananymous interview and will use it to critically reflect on the journal article Immigration and Social Cohesion in the UK. The article mainly focuses on the negative aspects of migration in regards of population dimension. In this essay I will mention a few benefits tha t have been brought into London through immigration. I will make arguments in regards of economical and social benefits to the area. Ill be arguing against the journal article and will announce positive aspects and my own view of migration. I will use the answers given by my interviewee and also use some external secondary data. What is immigration? People who move from one nation to the other without being citizens to that specific national state are called immigrants. This is the movement of immigration (ImmigrationAssist, Undated). Immigration is an arguable topic in London as there are both, positive and negative aspects to it. I think that there are more positive aspects to immigration in London rather than negative aspects. London has become a popular place of immigration. People started migrating to London after the second world war (Migration Information, 2009). Immigrants are viewed as people who take over on jobs and houses and leave nothing for the existing citizens (Interview, Line). Criticisms of immigration to consider is that social solidarity gets weaker and secondly that immigrants do not adopt the culture and values shared in Britain, but rather express their own values within London. Immigration is viewed as a cultural eraser. Moreover the UK has a policy framework which prevents racial di scrimination and therefore allows minorities to be visible within the country. Immigration levels have been constant from 1990 onwards (The Guardian, 2001). However, today London is receiving an unimaginable rate of immigrants. Recently, there have been great arguments if there should be a limit introduced to immigration in London. Before attempting to give your own opinion it is important to consider both; negative and positive aspects of the topic. To announce it more accurately I think that it is difficult to maintain both sides at an equal level or to make a fixed statement for or against the matter. We, as the public have opinions about the limitation on immigration so do politicians. Let us consider some if these views. One of the main view is that the country is getting over populated. One of those over populated places in Britain is London. At present times there is a population number of 65 million people within London, however predicitions claim that within 70 years the population number will rise up to 108 million people (BBC, 2011). This means that immigrants will need houses to live in. The government is therefore building as many houses as possible. This means that the government is spending a lot of money on resources. Well end up having less countrysides but a higher level of pollution as houses increase. If there was a limit set to immigration, the government wouldnt need to spend money on building houses (Policy Network, 2013). Not everyone has the same view about immigration, every individual has a different thought about it. Some of us certainly believe that it is better if we closed our borders in order to decrease the level of immigration (, 2013). But what do we gain from limiting the number of immigrants entering the country? The common perspective of immigration is that immigrants enter the country in order to obtain social benefits, which my interviewee also thought of (Interview, Line). However, immigrants do not possess the knowledge of the native language that is being used in the country, as they come from a different culture with different religions and different languages. These differences can lead to serious problems, such as violence. Dishonest immigrants enter the country in order to sell drugs or to carry out illegal activities. This is not a subject to be concerned about in London as much as it is in the United States. On the other side, people view immigration as something positive, as I do. Immigration allows the society to be more diverse in terms of culture and religion. It is important to know the differences between various cultures, as it builds knowledge and may erase the issue of racism. Some believe that jobs are the countrys private property, whereas others claim that immigration is a key to spread a better economy to less developed countries. Immigration can therefore be announced as a tool that helps to overcome world property. Immigrants are known to be the most hard working and intelligent workers within the country. Its an advantage to them as immigration allows to express talents and skills to another country (Independent, 2009). Previous census results show that London has completely changed. The results clearly show that the number of immigrants entering Britain has gone up by 3 million. However, politicians claimed that this was not an issue to worry about. Moreover the 2011 census shows that London is now a place of multiculturalism; which means that the amount white population has decreased to a very low level (, interactive, 2011). This has also been mentioned in the dailymail, It is believed to be the first time that British whites have become a minority in any region of the UK (Dailymail, 2012). This certainly means that the country has a very low percentage of white population, however the population size seems to increase as the years go by. This is an outcome due to immigration. However, it is important to take into account that immigrantion is a not a bad thing itself. Immigration introduces many advantages to London, which can be gathered from the talents and ideas that have been brough t into the country through immigration. It was stated that English is a language that was made up of many foreign languages in Britain decades ago. Through immigration we see an increase in population and culture which has a positive impact on the society. Economically, the increase in population expresses the filled job positions within London, which allows an increase in tax input and therefore benefits institutions such as schools. However, a House of Lords report stated that immigration does not benefit London at all; Minister Liam Byrne says migration has added ÂÂ £6bn to the economy (BBC article, 2008). It does lead to a greater economy which is shared with a greater society which leaves us with nothing. My interviewee, stated that it is not fair on the existing population, as they work very hard to achieve. I certainly go against her saying as people dont move out of one country to another just for the fun of it but for various reasons. The reasons could be the desire for a better living, such as good education al and job opportunities. Its not easy to adopt a new athmosphere, and to seperate from family members and friends. Just like any other place, London expresses that it contains racism to some extent. Even though we think that legal immigrants are treated fairly, there are still people who discriminate others as they possess different values and norms. The BBC news magazine announces, for the most part legal immigrants are treated fairly but there are still racists out there, just cause someone is speaking a different language they start discriminating them (BBC Does Britains sense of fair play attract immigrants?, 2010). Illegal immigrants, however are treated not as fair as legal immigrants. Yet they are illegal residents, but they are here for certain reasons, such as the ideology of having a better life. This shows that London is a place of opportunity and freedom (BBC Does Britains sense of fair play attract immigrants?, 2010). The article also mentions that when people see someone from a different ethnic group, they tend to assume that they are illegal immigrants, when in reality they could b e legal UK citizens. The view is that London has economically benefited from immigration as the new workers (immigrants) agree to take over on low paid jobs, which the existing population may not desire to opt for. Another reason is that the new workers allow the defeat in skill shortages within London. A recent home office research (Glover et al, 2001) states that there has been very little attention in force towards migration within the United Kingdom, Immigration has been a market driven response to supply and demand, rather than policy-driven. Theres no solid solution for the increase of immigration in London, but there are some ways that could be used in order to reduce the amount of immigration. We already have security barriers at all British borders, although they are not strong enough. As I have already mentioned a method is to make those barriers stronger to prevent the high income of immigrants, this means that borders should be checked more frequently and strictly. There are actions taken at the border crossing, The final set of recent immigration policy changes are designed to reinforce security at the border (Focus Migration, undated). The British police should be more aware of illegal entrance into the United Kingdom, and should therefore check immigrants if they have the correct documents to enter the country. The police should also be able to arrest those who enable immigrants to cross countries illegally. My interviewee stated that the government should take some action to decrease the amount of immigration, by providing a lower amount of benefits. To conclude, it seems satisfactory to state that there are social and economic benefits and disadvantages to the UK through immigration, as migrant workers who recently entered London have brought such changes. The pressure on public services has been held responsible on immigration, moreover it is the government that was unable to set additional income into such services while obtaining the advantages of economic growth and greater tax profits. It is very difficult to follow an open-door policy (the scheme of allowing equal business opportunities to all countries) without supplying any help to the community to deal with a greater population level. Immigration can be beneficial if the rate of immigration is maintained to a certain level and if the government fulfills the needs of the population. UK Borders should only be opened up to those who are hard working and who are in real danger. It is for certain that the immigrant population within London will change our lives by creating m ore diverse alterations to the country. Word Count: 1,854 Interview transcription: Carried out on 12th April 2013 Q: Hi, how are you? 1. Alicia: Hiiii (big smile on face), not too bad actually, its just the weather thats irritating. Q: Let me just quickly explain what this is about, I will interview you and see what your opinion about immigration is. Im doing this for an academic purpose and will use this interview for a critical reflection on an artical. I will not collect any personal details from you, as this interview remains anonymous. Is that okai with you? 2. Alicia: Yep, deffoo. Q: Do you mind if I take a maximum of 15 minutes of your life? 3. Alicia: Haha, thats not a problem. I dont mind helping people you know. Q: Whats your favourite town within London? 4. Alicia: Wembley. Q: If you were to come from Wembley today, why would you get here, all the way from Wembley to Stratford? 5. Alicia: I like shopping, and Westfields is wow, it has a variety of shops. I dont mind travelling, 6. its way better than sitting at home, hehe. Q: How would you get here? 7. Alicia: I took the train. I drive but dont own a car yet. Im still looking for a part time job, coz I 8. dont want my parents to get me a car. If its something for me then it should be from my 9. own money. Q: Okai thats a sweet idea. Would you be able to list any difference between Wembley and Stratford? 10. Alicia: Erm, no. Q: Why not? 11. Alicia: Both places are pretty much multicultural. Erm, you can see people from everywhere, 12. erm you know like, ehhm, you see asians, whites and blacks, sorry Im not trying to be racist 13. here, just answering the question. Q: Interesting, do you prefer this country to remain multicultural? 14. Alicia: Yehh, curse I do. Its cool how we connect with people from different backgrounds. 15. Not only Wembley and Stratford but all over London. I would say that London has people 16. from all over the world. Q: What do you think, could be the reason for multiculturalism in London? 17. Alicia: Im actually not sure you know. Erm (pause), Im really not sure, maybe coz there are 18. better welfare services here..I think. Q: Would you say that immigration has an impact on multiculturalism? 19. Alicia: Oh yh, actually thats something to think about. Personally, Im from Germany. I was 20. born there and spent 13years there. Originally Im of a Pakistani background. I think there is 21. something about the government that makes immigration easier, coz in Germany you rarely 22. meet any people from different places. Immigration must be the reason, there must be 23. many people like me who migrated from other places to the UK. Q: What do you think about immigration? 23. Alicia: Erm, it actually doesnt matter of where youre from, but its good to do it legally 24. rather than illegallyhehe (quiet laughter). Q: Why do you say that? 25. Alicia: Well, illegal residents will of course call their children or relatives over and will opt for 26. benefits and free food and all that. Its so not fair on us, coz we might end up being in a 27. position of hardship.(Quite tensed, forehead creased) Q: What do you mean by hardship, do you mind expanding? 28. Alicia: Its just you know, there is always a time where we might end up not getting 29. jobs..erm, basically well be jobless. We grow up in this country, and do everything legally, 30. and you know work hard to get into a decent job. That cant be taken away from us by illegal 31. immigrants. Its seriously not fair on the ones who work their bottoms off. (Smile faded, head still creasedpretty much into the questionnaire) Q: But dont you think that people may settle here due to their personal reasons? 32. Alicia: Well yeah, erm I know some people who came over coz they have some war or some 33. sort of problem going on in their place. Q: Dont you think that they work really hard too, to remain in a safe place? 34. Alicia: Hmm (seems tensed) Q: Do you think that immigration and population growth go together? 35. Alicia: I think so, the more migrates we have the higher the population will be. Q: Is that something bad or good? 36. Alicia: Id say bad, coz well run out of houses to live in haha, Im kidding, but as I said well 37. experience hardship. Q: So dont you think that there are any good aspects to immigration? 38. Alicia: There are, as I said we connect to people who are of a different background. I would 39. say(little pause), say that immigration makes us learn different cultures. Erm, its kinda like 40. getting to know different values and life styles, were basically learningerm increasing our 41. knowledge. There could also be an opportunity to learn different languages. Q: So youre saying it allows cultural exchange? 42. Alicia: Er yeah, hehe. Q: Is that the only positive aspect or do you have more to add? 43. Alicia: I would say that London is more welcoming than Germany. Erm immigration shows that the country is treating people fairly, whatever their background. (Big smile) Q: Thats a really nice thought.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Russia vs. China: FDI Analysis for Energy Company Essay -- Social Risks

Introduction A company that is considering investing internationally has to evaluate some important factors that are crucial in choosing the right country. In order to choose the best decision a businessperson has to analyze economic, political, geographical and social factors before entering a new market. This paper will analyze two countries using a fictive sample of Energy Company based in US. This private company wants to enter to a new market in one of the BRIC countries located in Europe or Asia. The energy company wants to build ECO power plants (environmental friendly) and introduce a new concept of sustainable energy source to these two countries (Russia and China). Hydropower, Wind power and solar energy should be used to generate the electricity. The capital investment is quite high in order to build new power plants, but the goal of the company is to become a big competition for already existing companies in this industry. The major advantage of this energy company is that they produc e electricity for a fair price and do not pollute the environment. The company wants to build a chain of ECO power plants in one of these countries and expand to other markets outside the US. Social risks and benefits Russia and China are countries with large population. These states belong to BRIC group, which are countries with fast developing economy. Both are very attractive destinations for foreign direct investments that can benefit whole country. Despite of the prosperity a huge amount of the population live below the poverty line and lack basic needs or education. The average wages in these countries are very unstable because they vary from region to region. While average wages in China are rising those in Russia are ... .... The World Factbook. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Central Intelligence Agency (2013). The World Factbook. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Graham, E. M., Wada, E. (2001). Foreign Direct Investment in China: Effects on Growth and Economic Performance. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Peterson Institute for International Economics website: The World Bank (2013). Doing Business in China - World Bank Group. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from The World Bank (2013). Doing Business in Russian Federation - World Bank Group. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from omies/Russia